Information About Laser Hair Removal
Let’s answer the frequently asked questions such as; What is Laser Hair Removal? What areas of the body can be treated with laser hair removal? How to use the laser hair removal? Is laser hair removal painful? Why does the sessions increase in hormone disorders? Who should not have laser hair removal? What are the types of laser? Is laser beam dangerous? Can I sunbathe before or after laser hair removal?
What is Laser Hair Removal? How to use the laser hair removal?
Laser epilation focuses on the thickness and color of the hair. Laser is absorbed by hair follicles because of its color. Due to high energy, the roots heats and lights. In this way, roots are poured after a successful laser epilation and in the growth phrase gets damaged and become unable to produce hair.
To achieve a succuessful result, the appropriate laser type and dose suitable for the skin color and hair structure must be selected in laser removable applications.Sessions repeated at regular intervals, makes the outcome quicker and more successful.
Are skin and hair structures important in laser epilation hair removal?
All skin tones can be treated with laser hair removal and your practitioner will adjust the laser to suit your hair and skin type. Lasers with longer wave lengths are used for darker skin types because the laser goes deeper and bypasses melanin in the skin – avoiding causing burns. Laser hair removal works best on those with dark hair.
At your consultation you will have a patch test, which allows us to select not only the right laser for your skin type, but to calibrate it exactly to achieve the best results possible, whilst ensuring the highest safety at all times. It’s important to tell us if your skin is not its usual colour, for instance if you have a tan, or have had a recent reaction to something, as this can dramatically affect our ability to give you the best treatment.
How to applied laser hair removal according to hair and skin colour?
Some clinics may not be able to treat you for the following reasons:
If you have ginger hair which may respond poorly to the treatment. Blonde or white hairs sometimes hardly respond at all;
Mediterranean, Middle and Far Eastern skin types may need to be treated with care;
Darker skin types than the groups listed above. Similarly, patients who have recent sun tans may be asked to wait until their tan fades.
If you do not not use the solarium and avoid the sun, treatment can be applied in summer. And all the areas treated by the laser hair removal must be covered with plenty of sunscreen.
Is Anesthesia Necessary To Get Laser Hair Removal?
Laser based hair removal may cause some discomfort. Most of the people tend to tolerate the laser hair removal procedure very well. How you feel may be different from the others who have went through the same procedure.During the initial stages, you will feel a light stinging sensation, which indicates that the laser has been activated. Then a series of impulses are produced and may cause a slight burning sensation and some prickling. Your technician may apply a topical anaesthetic to the body area under treatment, in order to minimize the discomfort. But most people do not need the anaesthetic. Some people have said that the feeling is like that of a rubber band snapping against the skin.When the treatment is completed, you may be given ice packs, anti-inflammatory creams or lotions, or cold water to ease any discomfort.Thanks to the technological advances, laser epilation hair removal is a state-of-the-art, patented system that selectively cools the upper layers of your skin an instant before the laser energy pulse is applied which serves to minimize any discomfort caused by heat emitted from the laser itself.
What precautions do I need to take before and after treatment?
Once you are deemed a good candidate for laser hair removal, it’s important to avoid the sun and tanning beds in the six weeks leading up to your treatment. Showing up for a laser treatment with tanned skin can lead to burns and blistering.
In the six weeks leading up to your treatment, avoid plucking, waxing, bleaching, and electrolysis treatments. Plucking or pulling hair out by the roots means there won’t be any hair for the laser to target.To manage hair growth before your treatment, shave or use depilatories that only remove the hair above the skin.
Just as you protected your skin from tanning in the six weeks prior to your laser hair treatment, so too should you avoid the sun for the six weeks following it. Not only will your skin be sensitive, but it can also complicate the removal process and follow-up treatments.
How much does laser epilation cost?
The number of treatment sessions that you require for this cosmetic procedure depends on your hair colour and skin type as well as the type of machine used.
1.)Alexandrite Candela Laser Epilation ?
Candela Alexandrite Laser Epilation can be applied to all parts of your body which you have unwanted hairs.
- It is recommended to be done by a qualified expert. Otherwise you are also at risk of sustaining negative reactions, such as burning and scarring.
- The redness and swelling disappear soon after each treatment.
Candela Alexandrite Laser Epilation lasers work for the following applications: wrinkle reduction, skin rejuvenation, acne treatment, leg veins, vascular anomalies, cellulite reduction.
Candela Alexandrite Laser Epilation is approved by FDA. Alexandrite Candela laser epilation is a state-of-the-art, patented system that selectively cools the upper layers of your skin an instant before the laser energy pulse is applied which serves to minimize any discomfort caused by heat emitted from the laser itself. The shorter wavelength makes the treatment theoretically more effective on lighter skins than darker skins. With its larger spot size the Alexandrite can cover larger areas quite rapidly, so it is the best choice for larger areas such as the back or the chest.
2.) Nd Yag Laser Epilation
The Nd Yag long pulse laser can be used safely on all skin types, including tanned. Especially they are more suited for those with extremely dark skin.
Features of Ndyag Laser Epilation
- Ndyag laser epilation has a cooling device.
- No redness or irritation on the skin.
- Ndyag laser epilation does not cause hygienic problems.
- This laser may be more painful than other lasers.
- It is also used in the treatment of capillary vessels and varicose veins.
- NdYag laser epilation is highly effective on the face and arm.
- Works on almost all skin types including tanned or darker skin tones.
Which areas can be treated with Ndyag?
NdYag laser is not only used in hair problem, it is also used in the treatment of capillary vessels, nail fungus, varicose veins and acne.
What are the differencse between NdYag laser epilation and other hair removal devices?
There are several different laser systems available for the reduction of unwanted hair, no single system has been shown to be superior in providing safe and effective hair removal in every skin type. But, Nd Yag long pulse laser can be used safely on all skin types, including tanned. NdYag laser epilation is highly effective on the face and arm.
Laser treatment can not cause cancer
The pulses of light energy used in laser hair removal treatments are only designed to heat and destroy hair follicles. Although some patients continue to be concerned about treating areas near their reproductive organs, experts say there is no risk.
The light used does not penetrate beyond the depths of the hair follicle and internal organs are in no way affected, nor is fertility.
As of now, no research has showed the light energy from hair removal lasers can cause cancer. But there are some risks involved like redness, scarring and discoloration in the treated area.
Precautions To Be Taken After Treatment
A laser is a high-energy beam of light that can transfer its energy through the skin to a specific part of the body. These beams of light can vary in terms of their strength and the type of tissue that they can target. In the case of hair removal, pigment contained in the hair shaft can be targeted as can the hair follicle or root with a single specific wavelength (or colour) of light generated by the laser. This energy heats up the base of the hair follicle, which causes damage to the cells that produce hair growth. If enough damage is done, this will prevent the hair from growing any further.
Precautions To Be Taken After Treatment
- You can apply an antiseptic cream after treatment.
- You can take a warm shower.
- Avoid sun exposure, solarium and peeling.
- Use a sunblock whenever possible before, during, and after the course of your treatments.
Use an SPF 30+ sunblock whenever possible before, during, and after the course of your treatments. Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation. You can shave, but not wax or pluck, for 4-6 weeks after your treatment.
You should experience some minor redness (erythema) and swelling (edema) on the treated areas during your treatmen.Depending on your skin and hair conditions, the redness can last up to 2-3 days and may feel like a sunburn.