In hair mesotheraphy; substance as vitamin, mineral, protein are applied in middle layer of scalp with a very fine needle.
Mesotherapy devised in 1950 in France. Now, it started to be used in Turkey.
Where can it be used
- Stretch Marks
- Scars
- Cellulitis
- Sports İnjuries and Rheumatismal Diseases
- Alopecia (Hair Loss)
- Wrinkles
Precautions To Be Taken After Treatment
- Avoid direct sun exposure for 48 hours ,
- Taking shower and bath are not recommended for 12 hours after treatment,
- Avoid salty and fatty foods,
- / Drink tea without sugar,
- Avoid alcohol and coffee,
- Drink 1-1.5 lt water in winter, 2-4 lt water in summer,
- Do physical exercise.
Side effects:
More prevalent side effects that result from mesotherapy include the appearance of bruises and swelling at the site where the treatment was performed. And, one of the side effect of mesotherapy is an allergic reaction to some of the substances injected during the treatment.